Paradise Press only publishes the work (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) of members of Gay Authors Workshop.
Work submitted by members of GAW is read by at least two established writers in the group. If accepted for publication by Paradise Press, editorial and formatting assistance may be provided, but authors are expected to make their own arrangements with a printer, and no financial support is available except when a short contribution is included in a GAW Anthology.
Aside from listing on the PP website and Facebook page, Paradise Press authors are expected to handle their own marketing and publicity, although our administrators will try to offer guidance in these areas.
GAW (founded 1978) is an association of LGBT+ creative writers – poets, dramatists, essayists, fiction and non-fiction writers.
The aim is to support writers by providing opportunities for them to meet, to read, discuss and develop their work.
GAW holds monthly meetings at different locations, mostly in the London area but sometimes outside the metropolis. Some of the meetings are accessible to wheelchair-users.
Although London-based, GAW is a national organisation and welcome members from all over the country and abroad. We give what help we can in enabling members to set up local branches of GAW.
The GAW Newsletter is circulated to members four times a year and contains:
Membership is open to all LGBT+ writers, whether beginners or published authors.
The yearly subscription is £8 (£5 unwaged). To find out how to join, visit the Gay Authors Workshop